Happy Halloween: Little Penguin-Bug edition

November 1, 2008 at 8:37 am | Posted in little bug | Leave a comment
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Last year, Little Buggy had three costumes (see below).  Because, really, who could resist?  This year, just one: a little penguin, who was elusive for the camera because she was having the best night of her life, running around among the little bears and little Elmos, running up to stoops to grab candy out of bowls, and probably wondering what in the world she was doing out after dark. 

Ank and Peter Pan and Kara and “Sarah Palin’s worst nightmare” (don’t ask) came to hang with the Pengin at the always chaotic Clarendon Street Playground party.

Flashback to Halloween 2007: Costume one

Costume two

Costume three: little chili pepper on Halloween night (the first time she every really smiled for a camera).

Afternoon aside: city living and its effects on bar review progress

June 18, 2008 at 4:10 pm | Posted in Massholes, wine | Leave a comment
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When you live in the city, and one of your town’s sports teams wins a championship — which seems to happen with some frequency around here — the bars on Boylston street, the MIT and BU frathouses, the crowds going to or from Fenway (even when the Celtics win, people seem drawn to celebrate at Fenway…) all seem to empty out on to our little corner of the Back Bay.  With two minutes to go in the Celtics game I heard the first whoops through the open windows, quickly followed by the buzz of the police helicopters that would hover over our house for the next hour.  By the time I finally turned off the television (they were interviewing some New Kids on the Block — time for bed!), the hollering was full scale, as was the horn honking, much of the latter occuring at the traffic light directly under my bedroom window. 

So.  I am tired.  Not so much bar review happened today, even though I “skipped” class, intending to use up one of my four online replay allotments, until the website informed me I have to watch it all in one sitting.  Too late for that now.  Maybe I’ll just call it a day and try again tomorrow.  (Although I said that last night, too.)  I’m just far too tired to retain any information.  I suppose I’ll go to bed at 8 and get up early and regroup.  Along those lines (sort of): Tim and I have stopped drinking wine during the week (well, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.  And not a lot on Thursdays, i.e., maybe just a glass and not a 1/2 bottle).  Shocking, I know, but it is much, much easier to get up at 5:30 when no wine has been consumed.  Though we miss it terribly, and as Tim tucked into his first sip last Thursday (after the interminable three-day abstention), he happily (and in all seriousness) proclaimed, “Red wine is the best thing in the world.” 

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